Government of India has launched Samagra Shiksha, an overarching program for the school education sector extending from pre-school to class 12 and has the broader goal of improving school effectiveness measured in terms of equal opportunities for schooling and equitable learning outcomes. It envisages the ‘school’ as a continuum from pre-school, primary, upper primary, secondary to senior secondary levels.
It subsumes the three schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) for Elementary education; Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) for Secondary & Higher Secondary education & Teacher Education (TE) for capacity building of teachers. The vision of the Scheme is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education from pre-school to higher secondary stage in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for Education.
In Gujarat Samagra Shiksha project is being implemented by Gujarat Council of School Education (GCSE). It focuses on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education from pre-school to higher secondary stage in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for Education.
Branches of Samagra Shiksha
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